Database of Moldovan companies
The company compiles the database “VARO.MOLDOVA. Producers of goods and services” since 1992. Today, it contains information on almost 16,500 companies from Moldova.
Each company has the following data: name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, website address, management, type of activity, goods and services, mode of operation, fiscal code, brands represented, branches, etc.
The information about the management (name and contact telephone numbers) is provided to the extent determined by the head of the company (in accordance with the Law no. 133.07.2011 on Personal Data Protection). *Information about the management (full name and contact phone numbers) is provided to the extent determined by the head of the company (in accordance with the Law no. 133 of 08.07.2011 on Personal Data Protection), so the data about the head may not be present for all legal entities represented in the Database.
The information is structured by industry, so it is possible to make a marketing analysis of the competitive environment; make targeted appeals to potential customers and partners; conduct email distribution programmes, etc. Possibilities of using the information are determined by specific tasks of the Customer.
Some of the information is freely available at However, if you need to use the information in a more structured form rather than on a one-off basis, it is more convenient to use the selected information (selection) directly from the Database.
You can order information from database by sending a mail to
It is convenient to work with samples, because:
– You receive current information about companies.
– We select the data according to your request.
– You receive the data file in the usual Excel format, which allows an employee with even an elementary level of training to work with it.
For questions about the Database, please call us at (+373) 67661286 or write to e-mail: